Hard Drive Details

Model: WD WD400BD-60LRA0
Interface: SATA
Date: 07-Dec-2005
S/N: WD-WMAMA7298934

Microjogs: 1090,1082,1082,1082,1082,1082,0,0
Head Map: 0
Firmware ID: 07.01D07
Firmware Ovl: 06BT?
MCU Type: 0000-31B2
Channel Type: 0046-0021
Preamp Type: 0001-0004
Power IC Type: 0000-0000
PCB Rev: 2061-701335-D00 AA

Health Report: Model: "WDC WD400BD-60LRA0 " SN: " WD-WMAMA7298934", LBAs: 78165360 - Express Diagnostics - SMART verification: Successful. - Media Scan Statistics - Total Scanned Sectors: 200 Read Successfully: 200

Price: 100.00 USD (+Shipping)

Location: United States, CO

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Seller's Terms:
Continental US and CANADA only.


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